Zvizzer One Polish is a one-step heavy compound/polish/sealant for removal of scratches and sanding marks from a grain size of P2000 in just one step. Hologram-free! The very homogeneous adrasive grains contained in the ONE POLISH grind steadily during processing, so that despite the high grinding performance, a perfect paint surface is achieved in only ine polishing step.
Zvizzer One Polish is a 3 in 1 compound which polishes with significant correction power, finishes down to a high gloss finish, and offers durable protection that lasts between 6 - 12 months.
One Polish will remove scratches and is compatible with all types of paint. One Polish can be combined with the pad of your choice in the Zvizzer range, from the most abrasive to the softest depending on the condition of the paintwork.
Zvizzer One Polish combines the best of the Zvizzer range in one product. A correction force similar to the Heavy Cut Scratch Remover, The finish of the Fine Cut Hologram Remover and all whilst laying down a long term synthetic protection capable of lasting up to 12 months.